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  • Writer's pictureAnkita Mahawar

You Can’t Rush a Cherry Blossom

“Everything blooms in its own time.” - Ken Petti

Photo by Nguyen Anh Dung on Unsplash

Between our two lives there is also the life of the cherry blossom. — Matsuo Bashō

Spring is officially coming to us according to the traditional Japanese calendar. Cherry blossoms, also known in Japan as ‘Sakura’, are an emblem of love, and they also symbolize good luck.

What a strange thing! to be alive beneath cherry blossoms.- Issa

I talk a lot about mental health, work-life balance, and living a simpler life. Sometimes, I fall into the abyss of overthinking and wonder how much more I can achieve if I only put in extra hours of work. This left me tired and burned out.

We’re all busy. Whether it’s responsibilities at home or work, or just daily life hustle, many of you focus so much on “doing it all” and you forget to focus on yourself.

Amidst all of this, ensuring your physical and mental health ,and happiness is critical. I learned the hard way the need to pause and take a moment to reflect on day to day things I do.

If you’re always exhausted, or if you let your self-worth be defined by how much you’ve achieved, it’s hard to reach that balance and peace of mind.

I know if you look back or when you are living one day at a time, nothing changes and life seems like an endless for loop.

However, this year, take a pause for a minute and look around. Maybe you just have everything that you might need to enjoy your life.

Changes are good and it can bring you enthusiasm and motivation back on track, but to have a fulfilling life, we all need to feel that this moment- I have enough.

I’m seeing less and less happy people around me. No matter how much self-improvement they read or how much they grow at work, they’re just waiting for the next step and a big reward. The next step has no end. There’s always one waiting after.

This year, my goal is to be truly present in what I do, be grateful for all that I have, and not let “work” become my “life.”

What’s one thing you absolutely love about your life and don’t want to change? Let me know in comment section.

Be Bold Be Courageous Be Your Best


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